Prenatal vitamins are important during (and before) pregnancy, however, some moms-to-be rather take a gummy prenatal vitamin rather than pill form. But did you know that there is an important mineral and nutrient missing from prenatal gummy vitamins that most moms may not know about?
I’ve personally taken prenatal gummy vitamins for all three of my pregnancies and have had to supplement for the two missing key factors.
I truly did not know that prenatal vitamins in the gummy form are missing a key mineral and nutrient. It wasn’t until I felt leg cramps at night closer to the third trimester during my first pregnancy that I had mentioned the aches to my doctor.
My doctor informed me that prenatal gummy vitamins are missing iron and calcium. Lack of calcium can cause your bones to ache further into your pregnancy.
Do you know if your prenatal vitamin is missing this important nutrient?
Related: Prenatal gummy vitamins lack iron. You can read more about Prenatal Vitamins with Iron here.
Below you will find common questions moms-to-be ask in regard to calcium and prenatal vitamins for pregnancy. I hope these help you as much as they helped me!
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What are the symptoms of a calcium deficiency?
Do you find yourself feeling extreme fatigue, lack of motivation, or just overall feeling sluggish during pregnancy?
Although these are common symptoms in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, if you continue to feel this way into your second and third trimester you could have a calcium deficiency.
Calcium is an important essential nutrient when it comes to bone health and pregnancy!
How can I get more calcium during pregnancy?
You can get more calcium during pregnancy by eating certain foods or taking supplements.
Foods containing calcium include:
- Dairy Foods
- Milk
- Cheese (Cheddar/Cottage)
- Yogurt
- Dark, Leafy Green Vegetables
- Broccoli has a ton of calcium
- Kale
- Turnip
- Salmon
- Tofu
- White Bread
Do prenatal gummy vitamins have calcium?
Not only do prenatal gummy vitamins lack iron but it is also missing calcium which is extremely important in pregnancy.
Lack of calcium can affect you more towards the third trimester into pregnancy when you have the weight of the baby and you may get cramping or bone aches.
How much calcium do pregnant women need?
Your body can’t make calcium so you will need to get it from food or supplements. When pregnant, try to get at least 1,000mg of calcium every day. This can vary due to a woman’s age or health situation.
Don’t overdo it with consuming calcium as it can cause constipation.
Please always consult with your physician on what they recommend for you.
When should a pregnant woman start taking calcium?
If you’re always eating foods containing calcium, you should be fine not having to take a supplement until later into pregnancy, however, account for what you consume in food and supplement form.
Having too much calcium can cause unpleasant side effects like gas or constipation.
Unless you find that your bones are achy, however, ideally 14+ weeks is most important. The last three months of pregnancy is when the baby is growing quickly and has the need for calcium.
Not getting enough calcium during pregnancy can make you more susceptible to osteoporosis.
It’s always best to get ahead and stay on top of getting all of the nutrients needed before, during, and after pregnancy.
Why calcium is given during pregnancy
Calcium helps to build strong teeth and bones for mom but it also keeps your blood and muscles moving.
The baby also needs calcium to build strong bones, teeth, develop their heart, nerves, and muscles.
What happens if you don’t take calcium during pregnancy?
Getting iron and calcium, which are not in your prenatal gummy vitamins, reduces your risk of hypertension and preeclampsia during pregnancy.
Does your prenatal vitamin contain vitamin D?
Vitamin D is needed to help absorb calcium. Be sure your prenatal vitamin has vitamin D.
I’ve taken these prenatal vitamin gummies for all three pregnancies and have had great pregnancies and healthy babies!
What calcium supplements should I be looking for?
First, always consult with your healthcare provider or a pharmacist. It is suggested to look for a supplement with the “USP” (U.S. Pharmacopeia) on the label because it indicates that the supplement contains the calcium needed for a pregnant woman.
USP confirms that the vitamins are safe to take and contain the exact ingredients in the potency and amount you find listed on the label.
Also, USP on the label indicates it is free of lead and other toxic metals. Avoid calcium supplements that may contain oyster shell, dolomite, or bone meal. These could possibly contain a small amount of lead, which is harmful to babies.
As a reminder, not only do you need calcium during pregnancy but you also need iron.
- Dolomite is a mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate and is used as a food supplement that supplies calcium and magnesium.
- Oyster Shell aka Calcium Oyster Shell is a mineral and an antacid. It is used to treat heartburn, indigestion and upset stomach.
- Bone Meal is used as a source of calcium that makes up the mineral content of your bones and teeth.
Prenatal gummy vitamins also lack iron. You can read more about Prenatal Vitamins with Iron here.
Always consult with your healthcare provider about taking calcium supplements and any other questions you may have in regard to your pregnancy.