Taking a childbirth class helps you feel more prepared for labor and delivery. You may hear many stories from moms about their birthing experience but remember that every story and experience is different. Childbirth comes with plenty of unknowns, so it is understandable that moms-to-be will feel a sense of anxiety when the third-trimester hits.
Knowledge is power and going into your labor and delivery with an understanding of the birth process with help ease your mind and have you feel better prepared.
Childbirth classes not only touch upon the birth process but they will include information about your newborn as well and how your birthing partner can help.
With everything that is happening in the world, I can imagine the fear and anxiety moms may be feeling, especially first-time moms. Baby showers canceled, prenatal classes canceled, and you may have to give birth alone without your birthing partner. So many unknowns right now but just know that you are STRONG and you can do this mama!
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Benefits of Childbirth Classes
Not every mom feels like they need to take a childbirth class and that is completely fine. For my first pregnancy, I opted out and chose to read a few books on birthing and do some research.
During my second pregnancy, I opted to take a prenatal childbirth class online and in my honest opinion, I should of done that the first time around, especially not knowing anything going into iTo help ease your anxiety, taking a prenatal childbirth class will be extremely beneficial to you. I am currently due at the end of May 2020 and have finished taking an online prenatal childbirth course.
You’re probably thinking, why would you be taking a course during your second pregnancy if you’ve already experienced labor and delivery?
Well… during my first pregnancy I thought I knew all that I needed to by using “google” and reading a few books. My doctor asked if I would be taking a class and I said haha ya no I don’t need to…. Yeah I wish I did.
Although the books that I did read were helpful, it was more about experiences and easing fears rather than an overview of labor and delivery walking you through everything you need to know from contractions to labor signs, comfort and pain management, and more.
The information provided in a childbirth course will be extremely helpful to you and your partner or whomever you may have attending the birth with you.
Birth is the most intense yet rewarding experience you will ever go through. It can be unpredictable but knowing all of your options beforehand and understanding how your body works during labor can make it much less scary.
What You Will Learn in a Childbirth Class
There is a lot of useful information you will learn but the majority of it is an overview of labor and delivery and the online class I took will walk you through everything, such as:
- Contractions and Labor Signs
- Comfort and Pain Management
- Labor Process
- The Role of your Birth Partner in your Labor Process
- Inductions
- Epidurals – What to Expect
- C-Sections – What to Expect
- Postpartum Care
- Newborn Care
Being a second-time parent, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take a childbirth class or not since I hadn’t for my first pregnancy. I read Ina May’s book the first time around and felt so prepared. I had informed my husband of tips to help me during the labor process.
Her book was very informative and takes the fear out of childbirth and encourages a natural birth. I highly recommend this book to all expecting moms, however, I would have loved being able to ask someone questions and learn about contractions (am I in labor), postpartum, etc.
Two hours into the contractions during my first pregnancy, I ended up getting an epidural. Not that there is ANYTHING wrong with getting an epidural. My birth plan aimed for a natural birth and I thought by reading a few books and doing my own research without a course I would be superwoman 😏.
Did I have a bad labor experience because of this? Absolutely not! It went well but I would have loved to try going longer without the epidural and to be better informed about not only labor and delivery but postpartum recovery.
Related: How To Make Your Own Postpartum Care Recovery Kit
This is why we chose, as second-time parents, to take this Prenatal Childbirth Class Online.
Remember that the second time around (if you aren’t a first-time mom) you easily forget how pregnancy can be, the labor and delivery, and pain. It’s helpful to brush up on basics and boost your confidence. No two births are the same and taking a childbirth class is for all mamas!
Childbirth Classes and C-Sections
Are you having a scheduled c-section? Are you thinking that a childbirth class isn’t necessary for you? Whether or not you want to take a course, just know that it is still beneficial to you.
Both vaginal and c-section births are physically and emotionally demanding but in different ways.
Childbirth classes focus on coping skills and how to handle the unexpected which is so important for moms who either will have to end up getting a c-section or who are scheduled to undergo a c-section.
What is this Online Prenatal Birthing Class about?
Hilary at Pulling Curls is a registered Labor and Delivery (L&D) nurse since 2001 and has assisted in a ton of births. She not only shares her personal experiences of birth but she gets straight to the point and informs you of the important details you should know.
Hilary designed her Online Prenatal Class specifically for those who are busy and cannot attend a live class or prefer to be in the comfort of their own home.
The course is taught primarily through video although there is a script provided as well. Following each video lesson is a written guide and discussion questions. These are great to help you stay focused!

Who Is This Course For?
The online course available is not only for mom-to-be but for dad and/or your birthing partner too. It’s best to have whoever will be with you during birth well informed.
This course is also for moms who are planning a hospital birth (natural or not), have a busy schedule and need a flexible option, veteran moms-to-be, or those who are nervous about giving birth.
Online prenatal courses are really for any expecting mother and you will get a lot from taking this course with Hilary at Pulling Curls.
Online courses are not always for everyone and if you feel that it isn’t for you don’t feel like you have to take an online course.
With all the unknowns in the world right now, unfortunately, it seems as though moms are finding their classes are canceled and need to take an online birthing course.
If you aren’t sure of what your prenatal class options are during this time, be sure to call your hospital or speak with your healthcare provider to find out what is being offered.
The Benefits of Taking this Prenatal Class
The benefits about taking this online birthing course are:
- You get to be in the comfort of your own home.
- 24/7 Access – Take the course at your own pace
- Budget-Friendly
- Easy to understand
- You can ask questions at the end of each lesson and Hilary will answer them for you.
- You don’t have to get ready to drive to a class to sit for over 4+ hours wasting your weekends or trying to find a babysitter (if you have children already).
- Lessons are straight to the point focusing on information to help you during childbirth (no textbook crap!).
- Information is about pregnancy, birth, and beyond (not just childbirth).

When Should You Take A Prenatal Childbirth Class
Classes are beneficial in your third trimester starting at 28 weeks.
My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed taking the online prenatal class by Hilary and would highly recommend it to all moms-to-be and their birthing partners.
It helped refresh my memory on labor and delivery and my husband and I learned new pain management skills that we will utilize when I go into labor.
I love how we can go back into the course to reread/watch certain sections. No need to take notes!
We can also ask as many questions as we may have, at any time to Hilary who will personally answer us (not someone else).
Hilary doesn’t just leave you hanging when you’re done with the course. She follows up with emails to continue to provide you with information which is awesome.
If you don’t like a classroom setting, feel uncomfortable discussing body parts and asking “embarrassing” questions, or don’t want to spend over $250+ on a course, then I would recommend checking out what Hilary’s course has to offer.
I hope this helped you in determining if an online birthing class is right for you.
I completely understand the fear and anxiety you may be feeling (it happens with every pregnancy) and am confident that this course will help simplify the labor process so you can have a more relaxed third trimester of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery time.
If you’d like to learn more or take the next step in signing up for the course, you can do so by checking out the Online Prenatal Class here.
Side note: Childbirth classes are sometimes HSA/FSA eligible. Contact your insurance provider to find out more.
If you have taken this course or decide to take it, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!