Your Ultimate Second Trimester Pregnancy To-Do List

Second Trimester To Do Checklist

Can you believe you’re already in the second trimester? Such an exciting time! Your bump may be showing soon, if it isn’t already, and you can finally announce you’re pregnant! Now that your nausea is slowly dying down (hopefully) and your feeling back to normal, here’s your second trimester to-do list!

To help you stay organized and be prepared during your pregnancy, below is a list of things you should get done during your second trimester of pregnancy before the baby arrives.

If you don’t have a second trimester to-do checklist, I’ve got a simple and FREE printable for you that will keep you prepared and organized. Download our second trimester to-do checklist! (no email necessary)

If you are like me, staying organized and checking things off a list will make you feel more accomplished and motivated. There isn’t a better feeling!

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Here’s what you’ll want to do before it’s time to meet your little one!


There are so many fun ways to announce that you are pregnant with your family and friends. You can send our pregnancy announcement cards via mail, or come up with a creative way to announce and post on social media.

If you plan on sending out pregnancy announcement cards, Mixbook is a fun site to create cards that are inexpensive. They have so many options to choose from and you can personalize the design to fit your style.

You can sign up here for a free mixbook account. They are always having great deals and everything is priced reasonably.

I use this site not only for cards but to create photobooks. It is so much fun to personalize the cards or books to your style.

I have my wedding rehearsal book, wedding guest book, wedding book, baby shower guest book, my son’s newborn and first birthday book and I’ve even created books and invitations for family and friends. They are of great quality and very inexpensive.


I know it might feel like you have plenty of time to prepare for the nursey but it is better to start sooner rather than later. You will have a lot to prepare for in your third trimester and will want to start gathering ideas now for the nursery.

Related: Third Trimester To-Do Checklist

Once you finalize your design for the nursery, you may want to implement it at your baby shower too – which is why it is good to start now.

If you haven’t already (which I’m sure you have), get inspired on Pinterest.


It can be overwhelming to create a baby registry list especially if you are a first-time mom and aren’t sure what to register for. Even if you aren’t a first-time mom, things are always changing!

There are so many products out there and a lot of recommendations. First and foremost, talk with your family and friends who may have some great advice for you as far as products they have used.

Being a soon-to-be mama of 2 myself (due May 2020) I have narrowed down the must-have essentials needed and keep it minimal.

I didn’t fall for all the gimmicks the companies try to sell you on because I already had in mind what is essential for a baby and I’d love to help you!

Check out this list I have put together with all the must-have baby items you should add to your baby registry.

The list above will help ease your mind while trying to register for baby items. I also mention why these items worked for our family!


You’ll want to research which pediatrician you will be choosing for your child. Some offices allow you to be on a “waiting list” while others will tell you to call them after the baby arrives.

The day after my son was born, I made sure to call the pediatrician right away because I knew she started accepting patients again.

Be prepared with a few pediatricians you want because some may stop taking patients and you don’t want to be stuck without one if you only had one in mind.

Second Trimester To Do Checklist


Is someone planning your baby shower for you or will you be planning it? It’s a good time to decide the logistics.

I dislike surprises and like to be in control so I planned my own baby shower and loved making the decorations (I’m a big DIYer).

Either way, it is good to set a date, figure out a host, theme, location, start your baby registry and create a guest list.

Related: List of Must-Have Baby Items for Baby Registry

Ideally, most moms-to-be have their baby shower after 28 weeks.


Both of my pregnancies were mostly in the winter so I lived in leggings and sweatshirts. I also work from home, so I lived in my pajamas too. But when I had to go out, I still stuck with leggings and sweaters 🤣

I carried small for my first and currently for my second, so I’ve been lucky enough to not have to purchase any maternity clothes. I also found that they just didn’t fit me right when I did try on maternity jeans and I disliked the whole “maternity clothing” style with the tight scrunch on the sides of the shirts and dresses.

If you like those styles, go for it mama! They are super cute and everyone has their own preference. But don’t feel like you HAVE to resort to “maternity clothing” because you can still wear modern-day fashionable clothing to dress up that cute bump of yours.

If you want to get inspired, check out and follow my Pinterest Board: Modern Maternity Clothing. I gathered a ton of cute style inspirations for all seasons and am always adding to the board.


Deciding where you want to give birth and what professional labor coach you want is such a hard decision.

I chose to stick with a hospital birth and only had an ob-gyn. I wish I had a midwife because during my first pregnancy my husband and I were left in the room alone majority of the time.

Thankfully I read up on a lot about labor and delivery and had some knowledge of how to ease labor pain. But when you are in the moment, you tend to forget those things and it would have been nice to have someone to coach me.

Typically with a doctor, they come and go just to make sure you don’t need anything and the nurse is with you majority of the time.

With a doula or midwife, they are with you every step of the way. Not only to coach you through delivery but to support you emotionally. If you are interested in a doula or midwife, it is good to search for one during your second trimester.


Staying active is not only beneficial to your health overall, but it helps aid in delivery.

Keep in mind the right kind of prenatal exercise can provide you with a mental and physical boost. Take a prenatal yoga class or find some on YouTube if you prefer to stay home.

I enjoyed pregnancy yoga with Katy Appleton from You can find her 5 Pregnancy Yoga videos on YouTube.

Stay hydrated and have a light snack before working out. If you start to feel dizzy, short on breath or develop a headache – stop!

Always consult your doctor before exercising while pregnant.


Now that you’re in your second trimester, you will be noticing that adorable bump slowly growing every day. Pregnancy is such an amazing thing – be sure to cherish every moment.

Start lathering lotion on your belly, thighs, butt, and breasts to help prevent stretch marks and reduce itchiness.

My belly didn’t show for both pregnancies until I was about 5 months pregnant so I did not apply lotion until 20 weeks, however, every woman is different.

Spoiled Mama Tummy Butter and Stretch Mark Oil

I highly recommend the Tummy Butter and Stretch Mark Oil from Spoiled Mama. You can find it here. I did not get any stretch marks for my first pregnancy and currently, with my second, I have none… so far.

The tummy butter and oil aren’t greasy and they keep your skin feeling moisturized. Not only does it help prevent stretch marks but another benefit is that it is vegan, organic and contains pregnancy safe ingredients.

They have amazing reviews you can read on their website. The tummy butter and oil lasted me 6 months (again I didn’t start using until 20 weeks). I continued to use it after having my son as well.

How to Apply the Tummy Butter and Oil – My Personal Preference

The tummy butter and oil won’t make you feel sticky or greasy and it keeps you moisturized as I mentioned above. It also smells great!

After I take a shower, I apply the lotion in a circular motion all over my belly, thighs (just the top 1/3 portion not my entire thighs), my breasts, my hips/sides of belly and butt.

After the lotion is applied, I squirt 6-7 pumps of the stretch mark oil into the palm of my hand and mainly focus on my belly with the remaining left on my hands everywhere else.

A little goes a long way especially just after you get out of the shower, your body is still damp.

*Be sure when applying to breasts, you get the sides, underneath, everywhere really well!


When Should You Start Using The Tummy Butter and Oil?

I didn’t start getting a bump until roughly 5 months so everyone will be different, however, I do recommend when you start to “pop”, would be a good time to start.

I started using the tummy butter and oil around 20 weeks and continued using it two months after having my son. My breasts engorged from nursing him so I wanted to be sure I kept moisturizing my body.

Also, when I reached 30 weeks, I applied the tummy butter twice a day (morning and night) and the oil once a day (at night time).

Don’t forget to continue to apply the tummy butter and oil even after you have the baby. I continued for two months after giving birth.


This may be one of the hardest decision … ever! Make a list of the top 5-10 names you like and have your partner do the same.

Go through each other’s list, crossing out the names you don’t like. Once you have the names you do like, read and say them out loud daily. Hey – even pretend the baby is here and say them out loud (I know weird but it works).

You’ll find after a while some names you thought you liked, you now don’t and vis versa.

I had a VERY hard time choosing boy names but had a bunch of girl names – of course. Even after I made a list of names I thought I “loved”, I ended up finding my son’s name while scrolling through Pinterest and never used any on my original list. I also set a deadline because I wanted to be sure we could use his name at our baby shower.

Currently, for my second pregnancy, we were more laid back since we won’t be having a baby shower. I do want to order a few things with his name so we have already picked a name (due May 2020) but I did not use ANY from the list we originally created with our firstborn.

If you need inspiration, check out or search on Pinterest.


If you haven’t told your employer you’re pregnant, now is a good time so you can start planning your maternity leave.

My advice to you would be to learn all your maternity leave options and benefits before telling your employer. It’s best to be prepared and have a plan rather than being blindsided.


Rest and nap when possible and enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. Even though 9+ months feels like a long time, it will fly by.

Continue to take your belly photos and if you haven’t already, keep a pregnancy journal to remember your journey.

I love looking back on my first pregnancy journal and compare it to my second pregnancy. I’m pretty much on the same track as my first with weight gain, cravings, and how I feel overall. It’s funny how similar both my pregnancies are

If you need a belly photo app, I recommend Baby Pics. Not only does it have artwork for pregnancy but it continues with announcements, firsts, holidays, friends/family, humor, big kids etc. Lots of options!.

second trimester to do checklist

Have you started working on your second trimester to-do list? We’d love to hear from you!

Whether you are a first-time mom in your second trimester, already had your baby or a mom of more than 1, share with us how you are preparing/prepared for baby during your second trimester. Comment below!

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