Things you need to do during First Trimester Pregnancy?

First Trimester To Do List - Checklist

You have a baby on the way – Congratulations! 9 months may feel like a long time but there is so much to enjoy and prepare for! This first-trimester to-do list will help you keep track of all your to-do tasks.

To help you stay organized and be prepared during your pregnancy, below is a list of things you should get done during your first trimester of pregnancy.

If you don’t have a first-trimester to-do checklist, I’ve got a simple and FREE printable for you that will keep you prepared and organized. Download our first trimester to-do checklist! (no email necessary)

If you are like me, staying organized and checking things off a list will make you feel more accomplished and motivated. There isn’t a better feeling!

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Here’s what you’ll want to do before it’s time to meet your little one!


Most home pregnancy tests will accurately detect pregnancy the week of or the week after your missed period.

I know it can be tempting to take a pregnancy test before your missed period (been there done that!) but it truly is best to wait until your missed period.

If you see that you have a faint positive, wait to test again in 1-2 days. Your HCG levels which detect your pregnancy will gradually increase every 2 days which is why you should wait 1-2 days to test again if your test shows a faint positive.


If you already have an ob-gyn or midwife, awesome! If not, either talk to family and friends for their recommendation or research providers that are under your health insurance plan.

Don’t stress if you don’t end up liking who you picked. You can always change providers! You want someone you feel comfortable with, who has had a lot of great recommendations/reviews and takes the time to answer all your questions.


Once you determine your healthcare provider, it’s time to make a prenatal appointment.

Typically for your first appointment, you won’t be seen until you’re at least 8 weeks; unless you want to confirm with the office that you are pregnant. You can go in and either take a urine or blood test.

The office will ask you when your last period was, so be sure to jot that down. This will help them determine your due date.


Most women find out they are pregnant around 4-6 weeks but not all pregnancies are planned. Some women won’t find out until later, however, there are important signs to learn about.

Feeling aches, tired, and nausea are common signs of pregnancy in the first trimester. Feeling pains or bleeding aren’t as common but that doesn’t mean something is wrong.

During my first pregnancy, I was very tired in the first trimester and only experienced morning sickness from 7-8 weeks. For my current pregnancy, I also felt tired, experienced morning sickness from 7-8 weeks but I did bleed around 5 weeks. It wasn’t heavy but enough to alert me that something may be wrong.

I immediately called my doctor whose office was closing for the day so they recommended that I go to the ER to get checked. Thankfully all turned out great.

ALWAYS consult with your doctor or midwife immediately, especially if you experience pains or bleeding or have any concerns.

Related: Second Trimester To-Do List

First Trimester To Do Checklist


It’s so exciting when you find out you are pregnant that you want to tell the world but it is best to wait until your first prenatal appointment to be sure all is OK.

Most women tell immediate family members early on and then wait until after 12 weeks to tell everyone else/make an announcement.

Others wait to tell everyone until they’re in the second trimester of their pregnancy which decreases your risk of miscarriage. This is all personal preference and ultimately up to you!


It will feel like 9 months is a long time to wait until you meet your precious bundle of joy (or joys!) but you will want to cherish every moment.

Take belly photos to track your progress and keep a pregnancy journal to remember your journey.

I love looking back on my first pregnancy journal and comparing it to my second pregnancy. I’m pretty much on the same track as my first with weight gain, cravings, and how I feel overall. It’s funny how similar both my pregnancies are.

If you need a belly photo app, I recommend Baby Pics. Not only does it have the artwork for pregnancy but it continues with announcements, firsts, holidays, friends/family, humor, big kids, etc. Lots of options!.

Related Post: The 5 Best Free Pregnancy Apps for Moms


Staying active is not only beneficial to your health overall, but it helps aid in labor and delivery.

Keep in mind the right kind of prenatal exercise can provide you with a mental and physical boost. Take a prenatal yoga class or find some on YouTube if you prefer to stay home.

I enjoyed pregnancy yoga with Katy Appleton from You can find her 5 Pregnancy Yoga videos on YouTube.

Stay hydrated and have a light snack before working out. If you start to feel dizzy, short on breath, or develop a headache – stop!

Always consult your doctor before exercising while pregnant.


Now is the time to familiarize yourself with pregnancy do’s and don’ts. Are you taking a prenatal vitamin? Do you know what foods to avoid or to include in your daily diet?

If you weren’t taking prenatal vitamins prior to getting pregnant, start taking them immediately. Prenatal vitamins give you extra amounts of key nutrients for mama and baby.

Eating healthy foods is also important. It helps increase energy, reduces complications, improves sleep, and provides successful fetal development.


Drinking fluids during pregnancy is essential. Your body needs more water to help support you and your baby’s growing blood volume, form amniotic fluid, flush out wastes and toxins and build new tissue as well as carry nutrients.

It is recommended that moms-to-be drink 8-12 glasses of water a day. If you have a hard time drinking strictly water, you can incorporate other fluids such as milk, juice, sparkling water, tea, soups, etc.

If you don’t drink enough fluids, you can become constipated, fatigued, and even go into preterm labor.

Start filling that cup with fluids and stay hydrated!


Learn all your maternity leave options and benefits before telling your employer. It’s best to be prepared and have a plan rather than being blindsided.

Don’t feel like you need to tell your employer right away. Waiting until after 12 weeks will be just fine!


Many moms-to-be suffer from morning sickness during their first trimester, however, depending on when and how long varies for everyone.

To help ease morning sickness during pregnancy, be sure to stay hydrated and eat smaller, more frequent meals. Bread, crackers, and ginger can help ease nausea.

On average, most moms-to-be stop feeling morning sickness between 16-20 weeks. Luckily during my first and second pregnancy, I only experienced nausea for 2 weeks but not everyone is the same, unfortunately.

What helped me was eating crackers, smaller meals, and drinking a lot of water and ginger ale.

If your morning sickness is severe, consult with your healthcare provider.


There are quite a few (okay a lot) apps out there for your mobile device that you can download to stay informed of your pregnancy week by week.

I have found some great free pregnancy apps that I feel were useful to me and think it would be for you too. They guide you through every stage – from trying to conceive, tracking your baby’s growth, finding the best baby products, or seeking parenting advice.

You can read about the free pregnancy apps here along with detailed information about each one.


Rest and nap when possible and enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. Even though 9+ months feels like a long time, it will fly by.

First Trimester To Do Checklist

Have you started working on your first-trimester to-do list? We’d love to hear from you!

Whether you are a first-time mom in your first trimester, already had your baby or a mom of more than 1, share with us how you are preparing/prepared for baby during your first trimester. Comment below!

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