Looking for easy, budget-friendly carnival games for your circus/carnival themed party? I got you covered. Be sure to check out my other blog posts with the games I had at my son’s birthday party.
One game I decided to do myself was the ring toss game. It was easy, budget-friendly and I knew it would be a hit with the kids. Did I mention it’s EASY and BUDGET-FRIENDLY? Follow along and I’ll tell you how I got it done.
Have you ever come across birthday banners on Pinterest or Etsy and think I could do that?
Well… you CAN and you SHOULD! Making your own banner is easy to do and I’m here to help you! If you checked out my original post about my son’s first birthday party, then you already know why I did quite a few things DIY but also because I enjoy it. If you haven’t you can check it out here however I was trying really hard to save as much money as I could.
Have you ever dreamed of what your child’s first birthday theme would be? How it would look?
Even before you were pregnant? I have. I always said when I had my first baby, I’d love to have a circus/carnival theme for their first birthday… and so it happened!
I’m excited to show you my son’s first birthday party. I had a lot of fun planning, creating and gathering ideas but as I was planning I noticed a lot of the things I wanted cost a lot of money. How would I throw this party on a budget and still have most of the things I wanted? Let’s be honest, we all know how expensive things can get… especially a first birthday party (or maybe it’s just all birthday parties lol). My husband and I are big on DIY and saving money (he’s bigger on saving money) so I knew I had to start planning ASAP if I wanted to get everything done on time for his party.
Are you looking to DIY a Tin Can Toss Game on a budget? Glad you found this page!
For my son’s first birthday Circus/Carnival theme party, I wanted to be sure we had simple, yet fun games for the kids to play. I had to narrow it down to a few games (we had 5 games total) that I thought were easy to DIY and budget-friendly.
Are you looking to DIY a Shoot A Ball Game? I’m excited to share my project with you!
My son’s first birthday party was a Circus/Carnival theme and I wanted to have a variety of games the kids could play and win tickets. I narrowed down to 5 games that were budget-friendly to DIY.
Are you looking to create your own bean bag toss game?
So glad you found your way here. I was looking to do the same for my son’s first birthday party that was a circus/carnival theme.
I was very hesitant about creating my own due to the fact that I am an awful drawer but I was determined to NOT spend money on something I did not have to.